MINUTES OF MEETING WESTSIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Westside Community Development District was held Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the Hart Memorial Central Library, 2J1 E. Dakin Avenue, Kissimmee, Florida Present and constituting a quorum were: Tom Franklin Chairman Scott Stewart Vice Chairman Robert Bagwell Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jason Showe District Manager Jay Lazarovich District Counsel Mark Vincutonis District Engineer Thomas Santos Field Manager Georgia FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Showe called the meeting to order and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There being no comments, the next item followed. TIDRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the August 6, 2024 Meeting On MOTION by Mr. Stewart seconded by Mr. Franklin with all in favor the minutes of the August 6, 2024 meeting were approved as presented. November 5, 2024 Westside Community Development District FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Acceptance of Resignation of Milagros Solano from Seat #3 On MOTION by Mr. Franklin seconded by Mr. Bagwell with all in favor Milagros Solano's resignation was accepted. B. Review of Resume(s)/Letters of Interest C. Appointment of Individuals to Fill Seats 2, 3, 4, and 5 D. Administration of Oaths of Office to Newly Appointed Supervisors E. Consideration of Resolution 2025-01 Electing Officers Items B, C, 0, and E were tabled to a future meeting agenda. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Status of Proposals for District Engineering Services Mr. Showe stated we talked at the last meeting about bidding district engineering services, which we did but received no bids. We reached out to several vendors who indicated that they would bid if we put it back out. On MOTION by Mr. Franklin seconded by Mr. Bagwell with all in favor Authorizing Staff to issue an RFQ for engineering services was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals for Pressure Washing Services Mr. Showe stated the quotes we received were for pressure washing the entire neighborhood. Mr. Bagwell stated it is not the COOs responsibility to clean all the sidewalks in the neighborhood. Two-thirds of the sidewalks don't need to be cleaned because some residents have cleaned them. The COO has a map with common areas and easements and clean those areas as needed. If there is a problem with a sidewalk in need of repair, residents should take a picture and specify the location and send it to the management company to send it to Jason. Mr. Showe stated the repairs we need to make plus the minor pressure washing on our common area we do every year anyway so there is no action required by the board. 2 November 5. 2024 Westside Community Development District SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Lazarovich stated on the conveyances, we wrapped up the Tract 1 R pond as well as Solara Phase 3 utilities. There was some discussion about the parking and towing rules and it seems that the HOA is not amenable to entering into an enforcement agreement with us. Only the CDD is in a position to enforce those rules and we don't want to adopt rules that are not being enforced. Mr. Showe stated we were looking at January but to Jay's point if the HOA is not interested into entering into the agreement, then it is a pointless effort to go through a rulemaking process. B. Engineer Mr. Vincutonis stated we looked at the drainage structure and it looked like there was some vegetation around it. It is a CDD pond and wetlands and should be maintained by the CDD in my opinion unless there is an agreement with the HOA for them to take care of it. Mr. Showe stated I think the assessment was that there was too much water for it to flow out. Mr. Vincutonis stated yes, and the wetland elevation was backflowing and equalizing with the pond. Until the water table goes down in the wetlands the pond is not going anywhere. Resident stated we have a retention pond behind Caribe Cove that came up and is about a foot and a half from our buildings. Do all the ponds fall under Westside CDD? Is there a set schedule for clean out because it seems like there needs to be regular clean out before the storms and now we are trying to catch up. As I understand it in ours there are two or three grates filled but they were full before the hurricane. Mr. Showe stated typically the engineer goes out once a year and does a full inspection of the property and provides us with a report. There is not a typical schedule with the stormwater structures. We have a lake vendor and we can add that to their task list to inspect those outfalls to make sure they are clear and open. Resident asked whose responsibility is the street and the drainage of the street? There were four grates between Paradise Cove and Caribe Cove that backed up into the street. 3 November 5,2024 Westside Community Development District Mr. Vincutonis stated Westside Boulevard is county right of way and that would be the county. They own and maintain that storrnwater and the right of way. You can contact the road and bridge department at the county. Resident asked can you quickly list what you are responsible for? Mr. Showe stated we do the storrnwater maintenance, main entrance signs, conservation areas and some general landscaping down the main boulevard. Mr. Vincutonis stated it is the ponds and outfall structures. Stuff inside parking lots and Westside Boulevard is the county or individual developments. C. Manager i, Approval of Check Register On MOTION by Mr. Franklin seconded by Mr. Bagwell with all in favor the check registers were approved. ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement A copy of the balance sheet and income statement were included in the agenda package. D. Field Manager Mr. Santos stated we are keeping up with aquatics and landscaping. We will have minor repairs on sidewalks in Calabria next week or the week after. Mr. Showe stated the district owns the sidewalks and right of way in Calabria. It is the one community in the whole neighborhood where we own the sidewalks. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. 4 November 5, 2024 Westside Community Development District TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Franklin seconded by Mr. Bagwell with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 11:26 a.m. ChairmanNice Chairman 5